
Terrestrial Archaeology

The NE ARC provides the full range of archaeological services from small-scale assessments to large-scale surveys, evaluations and data recovery. NE ARC has extensive experience with both prehistoric and historic archaeology at sites representing the full range of Native American human occupation in the Northeast from the Paleoindian period to the Contact period and historic occupation to the 20th century.

Remote Sensing

For consulting studies requiring remote sensing, the NE ARC has typically worked with remote sensing sub consultants to provide expert and reliable data for NE ARC archaeologists to use in the field. Most often used with cemetery delineation in New England, the NE ARC has two sub consultants that it can call on for their technical services - Harding ESE, and TopoGraphixs LLC.

Underwater Archaeology

For projects requiring the assistance of underwater archaeological capabilities, the NE ARC has long-term relationships with two organizations, the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum and Southeastern Archaeological Research, Inc. both of whom are highly qualified in the field of underwater archaeology.

Architectural History and HABS HAER Documentation

For projects requiring architectural survey and/or HABS/HAER historical narrative development and large format photographic documentation, the NE ARC utilizes two sub-consultants, Dr. Bruce Harvey (Architectural Survey and HABS/HAER documentation) and Suzanne Jamele, MA, Architectural Historian.

Laboratory Services

The NE ARC has a full service laboratory capable of the processing, analysis and curation of the wide range of artifacts and associated samples recovered from archaeological investigations. Our laboratory also includes a wet lab containing four flotation tanks for the processing of cultural feature sediment.

  • Native American Lithic Analysis
  • Native American Ceramic Analysis
  • Historic artifact analysis
  • Faunal Analysis
  • Paleobotanical Analysis
  • Artifact Casting
  • Artifact/Project Curation

    In regards to collections management and curation, the NE ARC follows the guidelines set forth in 36 CFR 79 Curation of Federally Owned and Administered Archaeological Collections. These procedures have been implemented by NE ARC Laboratory Director, Rosemary Cyr, for many years, and have been updated as improvements are made and policies are changed.

    The NE ARC is one of the only organizations in New England capable of producing museum quality artifact casts. Our casting lab has molded and cast a wide range of objects including both Native American lithic and ceramic artifacts as well as historic objects, including coins and buttons for a number of clients as well as the Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, SHPO offices.

    Information Technology

    Information technology and data management decisions start early in the consulting process during the initial project design and planning stages. Information technology is integral to all NE ARC consulting studies and the NE ARC continues to develop and integrate information technology in all their consulting studies. The staff has conducted a range of studies for which the development and implementation of information technology based cultural resources management has been integral. These studies have incorporated a range of interrelated data including large-scale, statewide databases, regional databases, digital mapping, GPS mapping, GIS development, and artifact/object databases.

    Database Management

    The NE ARC has developed a comprehensive Database using Microsoft Access 2010 that is fully integrated with GIS. The database system is used to catalog, analyze, and curate, all projects conducted by NE ARC. This database system has evolved over the years to handle a large variety of Historic and Native American artifact classes. It allows for easier retrieval and manipulation of data for research and curatorial purposes by making data more accessible. We have developed access database templates for the full range of artifact analyses and perform all analyses using direct data entry. The NE ARC also employs other software such as Microsoft Excel, Adobe Photoshop and Indesign for report preparation and publishing.

    GIS Resource Mapping

    NE ARC employs ArcInfo 10 as its Geographic Information System (GIS), which allows for extensive data manipulation and spatial analysis. GIS forms the basis for the organization of all aspects of a project including project design, mapping, environmental and cultural data, analysis, graphic display and interpretation.

    GPS Survey Capability

    Collection of data in the field is conducted using two GPS units, the first is a Trimble GeoXT running ArcPad 8.0 with the potential for sub meter accuracy after post processing. The second is the Trimble Yuma tablet PC in conjunction with a GPS Pathfinder ProXH Receiver and a Trimble Zephyr antenna, which allows sub foot accuracy. Along with these two highly accurate GPS devices, the NE ARC employs several small hand-held GPS devices for situations requiring less accuracy in the field. A total station and digital data collector along with four digital transits compliment the NE ARC's surveying equipment.

    Historic Background Research

    From site file research to in-depth chain of title [deed] research, the NE ARC has extensive experience with all the major repositories in northern New England for completing the necessary research for a specific project. NE ARC has an extensive in-house reference library and utilizes digitally available historic maps and other digital archival information. With select historical society organizational memberships and hands-on familiarity, the NE ARC staff can achieve quick access to complete background research tasks quickly and efficiently.

    Historic Context Development

    Nearly all consulting studies require some level of historic context development to place the study in local and regional context. The NE ARC has demonstrated ability to develop a range of thematic and temporal contexts which address research themes important in regional, state and national contexts. In fact NE ARC has been instrumental in defining contexts that relate to the unique northern New England setting of the Great North Woods which encompasses a contiguous portion of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.

    Historic Properties and Cultural Resource Management Plan Development

    For projects requiring long-term historic properties management plans (cultural resource management plans), the NE ARC utilizes a proven format to satisfy federal requirements while also incorporating modifications, as individual projects have unique and specific requirements. These plans are developed by NE ARC and reviewed by the client before receiving SHPO approval. Once in place, the client takes responsibility for the plan with routine updates.

    Mitigation Plan Development

    The NE ARC senior staff has extensive experience with the preparation of mitigation plans for its clients. Whether the project requires a small-scale mitigation or a large-scale, complex mitigation, the NE ARC has developed creative, thorough, and highly effective plans that balance the needs of the client with the requirements of specific historic preservation regulations and SHPO expectations.

    Native American Consultation

    NE ARC co-Directors, Hudgell and Bartone each have long-term relationships with the tribal leaders and Tribal Historic Preservation Officers in the northern New England states including the federally recognized Maine Penobscot, Passamaquoddy and Micmac tribes.

    Public Education and Outreach Program Development

    The NE ARC staff has significant experience in the design and implementation of public education and outreach programs. Public education and outreach efforts fall generally into five categories including: communications with the media, relations with the public-at-large, outreach to various area school systems, collaboration and involvement with interested local and regional groups, and special services. Public education and outreach efforts can be relatively modest in scope; for instance, an archaeological project of limited scope may include on-site tours, a presentation to a local historical society, or other interested group, and regular communication with the media. For larger and lengthier projects, public education efforts are coordinated and focused on all five general areas noted above and may include the development of a project-related exhibit and production of a popular publication developed for a specific age group, for example. The NE ARC is now incorporating social networking and other web-based applications into its public education programs.

    The NE ARC also has an artifact casting program to produce high quality replicas of important artifacts recovered from various consulting archaeology projects. These casts can be used in educational kits, given to landowners in lieu of artifact donations, local historical societies or other local interest group.

    Regulatory Consultation and Compliance

    With over 35 years of experience working in cultural resource management, co-Directors, Hudgell and Bartone, have extensive experience with assisting clients through the regulatory process. We have a strong and close-working relationship with the State Historic Preservation Officers and their staff in the states of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont and have an exemplary record in terms of SHPO approval on scopes-of-work, mitigation plans, National Register of Historic Places eligibility recommendations, technical reports, and management plans.

    Health and Safety

    The NE ARC recognizes the importance of health and safety for its staff. The NE ARC has a near perfect safety record and emphasizes safe work practices throughout all aspects of its operations. Archaeological field work and laboratory work presents a variety of health and safety concerns. The NE ARC Health and Safety Coordinator, Hutch McPheters, prepares Health and Safety Plans prior to all field projects. This document identifies the nearest hospital and describes all safety concerns that may be encountered. All personnel are required to attend daily safety "tail gate" meetings prior to starting work for the day.

    All subsurface excavations adhere to OSHA regulations in terms of working in confined spaces and other workplace safety requirements. The potential presence of hazardous materials can be a serious aspect of field work in some settings. The NE ARC has three 40-hour Hazwoper trained field supervisors who can quickly assess a potential hazardous situation and determine whether advanced assessment/measuring techniques may be required.

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    Contact Us

    P: 207.860.4032
    382 Fairbanks Rd
    Farmington, Me 04938
    Fax: 207.860.4031